Program Planning Subcommittee (PPS) – Project Clean Water

Program Planning Subcommittee (PPS)


The Program Planning Subcommittee (PPS) serves as an intermediary between the Regional Stormwater Management Committee (RMC) and other Copermittee Working Bodies and provides regional coordination of urban runoff management activities, develops and implements Regional General Programs, and directs and coordinates the activities of Regional, Watershed, or Other General Programs. It consists of nine (9) members, each representing a watershed outlined in the Municipal Permit, Order No. R9-2013-0001 (as amended by order Nos. R9-2015-0001 and R9-2015-0100).

The PPS typically meets on a monthly or semi-monthly basis. Meetings, along with their agendas, meeting summaries, and meeting materials, are linked to below. For additional current events pertaining to the PPS, please check out our calendar.

PPS current materials can be searched here:  Program Planning Subcommittee Materials

Program Planning Subcommittee Meetings and Agendas Archived 2002-2016

Ad Hoc Workgroups

Trash Ad Hoc Workgroup, a subcommittee to the Program Planning Subcommittee, has been tasked with providing a forum for regional coordination on the new Trash Implementation program. Click here for more information.


Informing the RMC, the PPS consists of nine (9) watershed representatives. These representatives, along with their contact information, are listed below.

Santa Margarita WMA

Chelsea McGimpsey
County of San Diego
5510 Overland Ave, Suite 410
San Diego, CA 92123

San Diego River WMA

Joe Kuhn
City of La Mesa
(619) 667-1340
8130 Allison Avenue
La Mesa, CA 91942

San Dieguito WMA

Kim Silva
City of Escondido
201 N. Broadway
Escondido, CA 92025

Juan Magdaraog

City of Vista
200 Civic Center Drive
Vista, CA 92084

Mission Bay/La Jolla WMA

Jim Harry
City of San Diego
9370 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92123

Carlsbad WMA

Reed Thornberry
City of San Marcos
760-744-1050 x3217
1 Civic Center Drive
San Marcos, CA 92069

Tijuana River WMA

Chris Helmer
City of Imperial Beach
825 Imperial Beach Blvd
Imperial Beach, CA 91932

San Luis Rey WMA

Bronti Cash
City of Oceanside
300 N. Coast Hwy
Oceanside, CA 92054

San Diego Bay WMA

Mikhail Ogawa
City of Coronado
1825 Strand Way
Coronado, CA 92118

Los Peñasquitos WMA

Sara Trunzo
City Hall 13325 Civic Center Drive
Poway, CA 92064

Projects and reports

Regional projects and reports that are developed and implemented collaboratively are listed below.

Regional Monitoring and Assessment Report (RMAR)

The RMAR aims to assess water quality conditions within receiving waters in each watershed and to make recommendations for confirming or updating focused and highest priority water quality conditions so that they may be properly addressed in each Water Quality Improvement Plan (WQIP).

This year is the first year of RMAR implementation and the Report will become available on Project Clean Water when finalized.

Report of Waste Discharge (ROWD)

The ROWD serves as an application for issuance of a new waste discharge permit.

2017 Report of Waste Discharge (ROWD)

2011 Report of Waste Discharge (ROWD) 

This page only displays the most current ROWD. To view previous ROWDs, please refer to our document archive