Take small actions to
reduce stormwater pollution
WE ENVISION THE FUTURE to be one where San Diegans take everyday actions that reduce the flow of pollutants into our storm drains, preserving the health of our oceans, waterways and communities.
There are many ways we can contribute to pollution and not even realize it so it’s essential to identify which actions you can take to prevent pollution.
Report Pollution
To report complaints related to illicit stormwater discharge, please refer to our Report Pollution tool.
Take Action
Individual actions can lead to clean water and healthier communities.
Following are simple actions you can take today.
Prevent Runoff
Participate in actions that will decrease irrigation runoff and over-irrigation to limit the amount of untreated stormwater entering our waterways.
1. Fix broken sprinkler heads
2. Reduce watering time
3. Take your car to a car wash
Source Reduction
Participate in actions that lead to source reduction to decrease trash and pet waste that enter our waterways.
1. Pick up trash and litter and place in a bin
2. Pick up pet waste and place it in the trash bin
3. Use less fertilizers
4. Use less pesticides
5. Repair leaking vehicles
Capture Water
Find ways to capture water to reduce pollutants’ potential to be carried into storm drains and harming our ocean and waterways.
1. Use rain barrels to capture and reuse runoff
2. Install permeable pavement
3. Redirect gutters and downspouts to a permeable landscape
Sign the pledge to protect
A 52-week action pledge campaign - “52 Ways to Love Your Water” - provides small weekly actions that everyone can participate in that will help protect our waterways. The pledge aims to get San Diego involved and invested in keeping our communities healthy. Each week, a new action will be revealed on social media and through our newsletter while also providing additional context to educate on the topic.
Take the pledge www.projectcleanwatersd.org/52