Lucero is a Stormwater Superhero! – Project Clean Water

Lucero is a Stormwater Superhero!

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There are many amazing people in San Diego County who are making a positive difference in their communities and working hard to help reduce stormwater pollution. In recognition of their incredible work, Project Clean Water is celebrating and highlighting these special individuals. Meet this week’s Everyday Stormwater Superhero!

Lucero is a community policy coordinator for San Diego Coast Keeper, the region’s leading clean water watchdog nonprofit organization. She supports the organization’s policy and advocacy work through community engagement to ensure the prioritization of environmental justice and equity.

Lucero is a firm believer in the need for a multidimensional approach to solving the climate crisis that includes science, governance, and societal transformation. Prior to working with Coastkeeper, Lucero was a campaign organizer, working to elect and re-elect an environmental advocate to Congress.

Lucero holds a B.A. in Environmental Systems from the University of California San Diego, where she specialized in environmental policy. During her time at UC San Diego, she studied the effects of ocean acidification and rising water temperatures on marine animals.

Project Clean Water proudly celebrates the special individuals like Lucero, whose positive practices make our world a better place. By incorporating personal responsibility in their communities, these Everyday Stormwater Superheroes help to ensure cleaner water and healthier communities.

Do you know someone who would make a great Everyday Stormwater Superhero?