California Stormwater Quality Association
The California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) assists the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) and municipalities throughout the state of California in implementing the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater mandates of the Federal Clean Water Act.
CASQA’s membership is composed of a diverse range of stormwater quality management organizations and individuals, including cities, counties, special districts, industries, and consulting firms throughout the state. A large part of their mission is to assist water quality programs in California to learn collectively from the individual experiences of its members, to learn from the mistakes and avoid the pitfalls.
CASQA is an excellent resource for information on all things related to stormwater and water quality. They are best known for their Best Management Practices (BMP) Handbooks that are designed to provide guidance to the stormwater community on activities related to new development and redevelopment, construction, industrial and commercial, and municipal activities.