Quality of Life Funding Strategy – Project Clean Water

Quality of Life Funding Strategy

 Quality of Life Funding Strategy

The Water Quality Working Group  (WQWG) was established in 2009 to provide input to the SANDAG Quality of Life Stakeholders Working Group (SWG) for the Quality of Life Funding Strategy. The WQWG will provide input for the development of a regional water quality needs assessment / cost estimate report, and help establish regional priorities for water quality programs and projects.

This document presents the results of a regional water quality needs assessment and cost estimate, and outlines regional priorities for water quality programs and projects. This analysis is useful because, while the region has made significant progress towards achieving water quality goals over the past four decades, regulations are continuing to emerge, and it is important to address the public’s concern about the needs and costs of achieving compliance.

Water Quality Needs Assessment

SANDAG Quality of Life Funding Strategy
Because of the lack of available resources at the national and state level to help finance transportation and other regional and local infrastructure needs, regions are increasingly being asked to leverage or match state and federal funds with local money or programs that help fill the infrastructure gaps. Potential cumulative funding needs are both great and varied, therefore SANDAG has embarked on a regional dialogue to examine funding priorities and potential funding mechanisms for a Quality of Life Funding Strategy.

The impetus for this discussion stemmed from both a commitment made by the SANDAG Board as part of the TransNet extension measure passed in November 2004, and key region-serving infrastructure areas lacking a sustainable, long-term funding source as identified in the Integrated Regional Infrastructure Strategy (IRIS), a component of the Regional Comprehensive Plan (RCP). Areas analyzed in the IRIS that are lacking such a sustainable revenue source include habitat conservation, shoreline preservation, and stormwater quality. Since that time, the Board has also identified public transit operations and maintenance as a fourth area of concern.

Ad Hoc Steering Committee and Stakeholder Working Group (SWG)
The SANDAG Quality of Life Ad Hoc Steering Committee, made up of Board members and other local elected officials, oversees policy development of the Funding Strategy. The Quality of Life SWG, representing key regional disciplines and interests associated with a Funding Strategy, provides input to the Ad Hoc Steering Committee. The Water Quality Working Group provides input to the SWG. We invite your participation with the WQWG and Quality of Life Funding Strategy to learn more about how this regional dialogue can benefit your community, to contribute valuable input to the process, and help us improve the quality of life for our region.