Nancy is a Stormwater Superhero! – Project Clean Water

Nancy is a Stormwater Superhero!

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There are many amazing people in San Diego County who are making a positive difference in their communities and working hard to help reduce stormwater pollution. In recognition of their incredible work, Project Clean Water is celebrating and highlighting these special individuals. Meet this week’s Everyday Stormwater Superhero!

Nancy is an environmental technical professional who is currently working as a consultant for the San Diego International Airport’s Planning and Environmental Affairs Department.

Along with making sure the airport is in compliance with stormwater regulatory requirements, Nancy also works on the airport’s stormwater sampling program. In this role, Nancy helps the San Diego Airport team comply with storm water regulatory requirements such as conducting inspections, training staff on water pollution prevention, and monitoring water quality.

Originally receiving a degree in engineering from the University of California at Irvine, Nancy’s post-undergrad work with the County of Orange’s water quality monitoring programs is what inspired her to get a master’s degree in environmental science at the University of California at Riverside. “It made me realize how precious stormwater can be as a resource and that we all need clean water for a healthy life and a healthy community.”

Project Clean Water proudly celebrates the special individuals like Nancy, whose hard work and passion makes our world a better place. By incorporating personal responsibility in their communities, these Everyday Stormwater Superheroes help to ensure cleaner water and healthier communities.

Do you know someone who would make a great Everyday Stormwater Superhero?