Federal Environmental Protection Agency – Project Clean Water

Federal Environmental Protection Agency

Federal Environmental Protection Agency

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has the primary responsibility and mission to protect human health and the environment. Efforts within the agency are focused on taking action on climate change, improving air quality, assuring the safety of chemicals, cleaning up our communities, protecting America’s waters, expanding outreach to include environmental justice issues, and building strong state and tribal relationship.

The EPA leads national efforts in Science and Technology with a goal to provide the scientific integrity necessary to develop sound governmental policies. These sound policies are the foundation for the laws and regulation established to protect the environment.

The Office of Water (OW) ensures drinking water is safe, and restores and maintains oceans, watersheds, and their aquatic ecosystems to protect human health, support economic and recreational activities, and provide healthy habitat for fish, plants, and wildlife. Their activities are targeted to prevent pollution wherever possible and to reduce risk for people and ecosystems in the most cost-effective ways possible.