2018 Model BMP Design Manual – Project Clean Water

2018 Model BMP Design Manual

Regional Materials : BMP Design Manuals

The Model BMP Design Manual for Permanent Site Design, Storm Water Treatment, and Hydromodification Management for the San Diego Region has been updated. Updates to the February 2016 Model Manual are intended to provide the Copermittees with a template to incorporate additional guidance, clarifications, and material to their existing jurisdiction specific manuals and include the following:

  • Applicability,
  • Pollutant Control and Hydromodification Management (including new hydromodification sizing factors and critical coarse sediment guidance),
  • Biofiltration BMP Sizing Methods and Performance Standards,
  • Infiltration Feasibility Assessments,
  • Operations and Maintenance Guidance,
  • Best Practices, and
  • Other minor updates.

A more complete list of the changes is in the List of Updates attachment found below.

Feedback was provided on the draft update, and responses can be viewed on the Model BMP Design Manual Help Desk. This 2018 Model provides updated guidance for the jurisdictions to create their own BMP Design Manuals.

To download the files below, you may need to use Google’s Chrome web browser.